Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo Shoot with Tyler Gould (in black and white)

Photo Shoot with Tyler Gould

Day in the Life of a musician (Steven Campbell)

Steven performs his song for four judges and an audience of forty-plus people. Steven received a score of 34 out of 40 form the judges, giving him an "excellent," however, not qualifying him for Nationals in Salt Lake City, Utah.
A mic is set up, a capo is placed on the guitar and the musician takes a few moments to himself. Steven is ready to play.
Steven practices his song prior to his performance in the competition. Although Steven does not want to make a career out of music, he plans on writing music for the rest of his life as a hobby.
Steven is a senior in high-school and plans on going to George Fox University to study business. He pre-tunes his guitar so he is prepared, before hand, for his performance.

Student Steven Campbell prepares to practice for a fine arts competition in Dallas, Oregon. He will be performing an original song titled "."